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Motif - Fight Screen

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The fight motif describes the look and feel of the fight/match screen. This is defined in system.def [Files] Fight setting. This file is tipically named fight.def.

As in any DEF file, it follows the same INI-like structure, with some exceptions like Animations.

[Files]: Additional files for fight resources.

  • sff: Filename of sprite data. See more.
  • snd: Filename of sound data. See more.
  • common.snd: Filename of sound data to be played by the Character's State Machine. See more.
  • fightfx.sff: Filename of sprite data for effects/sparks. See more.
  • fightfx.air: Filename of animation data for effects/sparks. See more.
  • font1 / font2 / font3 / font4 / font5 / font6 / font7 / font8 / font9 / font10: Fight fonts (filenames). See more.

Directories are checked in this order:

  1. current directory fight.def is in
  2. data/
  3. your MUGENext directory

eg.: If you write "sff = fight.sff", and this fight.def file is in ~/MUGENext/data/mymotif/, then the engine will first look for ~/MUGENext/data/mymotif/fight.sff. If it does not find it there, it looks for ~/MUGENext/data/fight.sff (the default). Finally, if that is not found, it will look for ~/MUGENext/fight.sff.

[FightFx]: Global settings.

  • scale: global scale for effects (float).

The fight effect Animations describes the look and feel of the VFX seen during match. This is defined in [Files] fightfx.sff / fightfx.air settings.

These animations can be used by Players on their State Machines in the Explod (by prefixing the animation number with F) and GameMakeAnim State Controllers, or hardcoded like animation 120 used by the Dust effect created automatically by the engine when Players reach the ground. So, only animation 120 is required, anything else depends on the game's State Machine code (usually in common.cns) and are not guarenteed to be there.

[Lifebar]: The bar for displaying the player's life for the Versus mode.

After these options comes the Animations for this Lifebar.

[Simul Lifebar]: The bar for displaying the player's life for the Simul mode.

After these options comes the Animations for this Lifebar.

[Turns Lifebar]: The bar for displaying the player's life for the Turns mode.

After these options comes the Animations for this Lifebar.

[Powerbar]: The bar for displaying the player's power.

  • p1: Bar element for the Player 1.
  • p1.counter: Graphic element for the counter information popup (must be of Font type).
  • p2: Bar element for the Player 2.
  • p2.counter: Graphic element for the counter information popup (must be of Font type).
  • level1.snd / level2.snd / level3.snd / level4.snd / level5.snd / level6.snd / level7.snd / level8.snd / level9.snd / level10.snd: Sound for the given level of power when reached. Format: groupNosoundNo (comma separated integer values).

After these options comes the Animations for this Lifebar.

[Face]: The small portrait to be displayed alongside Player's lifebar for the Versus mode.

[Simul Face]: The small portrait to be displayed alongside Player's lifebar for the Simul mode.

[Turns Face]: The small portrait to be displayed alongside Player's lifebar for the Turns mode.

[Name]: The character's name to be displayed alongside Player's lifebar for the Versus mode.

[Simul Name]: The character's name to be displayed alongside Player's lifebar for the Simul mode.

[Turns Name]: The character's name to be displayed alongside Player's lifebar for the Turns mode.

[Time]: The match's time element.

  • pos: Position. Format: X, Y (comma separated integer values).
  • bg: Graphic element for the background (optional).
  • counter: Graphic element for the name (must be of Font type).
  • framespercount: Number of frames for each time count.

[Combo]: The match's combo counter component.

[Round]: Round start & end components (FIGHT, KO, ...) and settings.

  • pos: Default position for all components. Format: X, Y (comma separated integer values).
  • match.wins: Rounds needed to win a match (integer value). Defaults to 2.
  • match.maxdrawgames: Max number of drawgames allowed (-1 for infinite) (integer value). Defaults to 1.
  • start.waittime: Time to wait before starting intro (integer value). Defaults to 30.
  • round.time: Time to show round display (integer value, required).
  • round.sndtime: Time to play the sounds (integer value, required).
  • round.default: Default component to show for each round. Text can include a %i to the round number. Use "round.default.anim" for animation instead of text (Graphic element).
  • round1 / round2 / round3 / round4 / round5 / round6 / round7 / round8 / round9: Component to show for each round (Graphic element, optional).
  • round1.snd / round2.snd / round3.snd / round4.snd / round5.snd / round6.snd / round7.snd / round8.snd / round9.snd: Sound to play for each round (optional). Format: groupNosoundNo (comma separated integer values).
  • fight: FIGHT component to show for each round (Graphic element).
  • fight.time: Time to show FIGHT component (integer value, required).
  • fight.sndtime: Time to play FIGHT sound (integer value, required).
  • fight.snd: Sound to play for the FIGHT component. Format: groupNosoundNo (comma separated integer values).
  • ctrl.time: Time players get control after "Fight" (integer value, required).
  • KO: KO component to show at round's end (Graphic element).
  • DKO: Double KO component to show at round's end (Graphic element).
  • TO: Time Over component to show at round's end (Graphic element).
  • KO.time: Time to show KO component (integer value, required).
  • KO.sndtime: Time to play KO sound (integer value, required).
  • KO.snd: Sound to play for the KO component. Format: groupNosoundNo (comma separated integer values).
  • DKO.snd: Sound to play for the Double KO component. Format: groupNosoundNo (comma separated integer values).
  • TO.snd: Sound to play for the Time Over component. Format: groupNosoundNo (comma separated integer values).
  • win: Win text (Graphic element).
  • win2: 2-player win text (Graphic element).
  • draw: Draw text (Graphic element).
  • win.time: Time to wait before showing win/draw message (integer value). Defaults to 60.
  • win.snd: Sound to play when the Player wins. Format: groupNosoundNo (comma separated integer values).
  • lose.snd: Sound to play when the Player loses. Format: groupNosoundNo (comma separated integer values).
  • draw.snd: Sound to play when ending with a draw. Format: groupNosoundNo (comma separated integer values).
  • slow.time: Time for KO slowdown (in ticks, integer value). Defaults to 60.
  • over.waittime: Time to wait after KO before player control is stopped (integer value, required).
  • over.hittime: Time after KO that players can still damage each other (for double KO) (integer value). Defaults to 10.
  • over.wintime: Time to wait before players change to win states (integer value). Defaults to 45.
  • over.time: Time to wait before round ends (integer value). Defaults to 150.

After these options comes the Animations for the Round Graphic elements.

[WinIcon]: Icons to represent the way Players won rounds.

[N] is 1 for Player 1, 2 for Player 2.

This topic was modified 2 years ago 2 times by VirtuallTek

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Bar element

The Bar is a multi-option element describing a progress bar that can be used to display both the life and power of a Player.

  • .pos: Position. Format: X, Y (comma separated integer values).
  • .range.x: The bar's range offset from .pos. Format: Left, Right (comma separated integer values).
  • .bg0: Graphic element for the background.
  • .bg1: Graphic element for the background on top of .bg0.
  • .bg2: Graphic element for the background on top of .bg1.
  • .mid: Graphic element for the mid section.
  • .front: Graphic element for the front section.

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Face element

The Face is a multi-option element describing the Player's portrait to be displayed in a match.

  • .pos: Position. Format: X, Y (comma separated integer values).
  • .facing: The element's orientation. 1 to face right (the normal way), -1 to face left (flipped).
  • .bg / .bg0: Graphic element for the background.
  • .bg1: Graphic element for the background on top of .bg0.
  • .bg2: Graphic element for the background on top of .bg1.
  • .face: Graphic element for the face.

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Name element

The Name is a multi-option element describing the Player's name to be displayed in a match.

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Combo element

The Combo is a multi-option element describing the Player's combo counter to be displayed in a match.

  • .pos: Position to show. Format: X, Y (comma separated integer values).
  • .start.x: Starting x-coord (integer value).
  • .displaytime: Time to show text (integer value).
  • .counter: Graphic element for the number.
  • .counter.shake: Set to 1 to shake count on hit, 0 to disable shaking.
  • .text: Graphic element for the text.
