Hi, I'm trying to do some stuff in Fighter Factory, and downloaded it to my computer. It's my first time downloading the program on this computer. Despite this, every time I try to open the program, the below error message pops up instead. I have no idea how to fix this, and would like help fixing it.
Thanks in advance!
@nullandvoid I'm working on a fix for this. A workaround is to copy the 3 .xml files (config, history and shortcuts) from "C:\ProgramData\Fighter Factory Studio" to "%LOCALAPPDATA%\Fighter Factory Studio".
Those files do not exist on my computer, not in the existing places or anywhere on my computer.
@nullandvoid If you're using the Portable build, these files are inside the "common" folder instead.
This Bug has been confirmed on all platforms for new users (never used a previous version before).
This has been fixed in version